
Selected Projects

Requirement definition, IT Strategy, evaluation of systems and eventually management of the implementation and integration of retail and wholesale systems incl. management and control functions at a major Slovak commercial bank with a budget of over USD100m

Implementation of a fraud detection system at a Czech retail bank

Supported the implementation of transaction monitoring systems (AML, trade surveillance) at leading Swiss and UK banks, acting as Lead BA and Technical Architect

Supported the in-house development of a conflict management system at a leading UK investment bank, acting as Lead BA and data migration manager.

Designed and implemented IT restructuring programs for a number of banks in emerging markets including IS / IT Strategy, IT Organisation, Evaluation & Implementation of SW solutions, etc. (e.g. Estonia, Lithuania, South Africa, Namibia, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia)

Set up of a ECM solution for a leading Czech leasing company

Customised and implemented a modern UNIX and Oracle based Swiss banking system for a commercial bank in the Czech Republic. Later provided maintenance and development services for the same SW package for 7 Swiss private banks using the system

SW and HW delivery contract preparation and negotiation on behalf of client banks together with international law firms (e.g. Clifford Chance)

Development of MIS and definition of the requirements for a new Treasury System for a European National Bank

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